Thursday 28 May 2015

30 Days Wild

This June The Wildlife Trusts are asking everyone to do something wild every day for 30 days and we have signed up to take part.  When you sign up to take part, you get emailed lots of ideas or 'random acts of wildness' throughout the month. We've been planning our family's acts of wildness and I'm really looking forward to starting on Monday.  I just hope we can fit in with school as well but here are some of things we plan to do (the blanks are awaiting inspiration!):

Make a rain gauge
Mini beast hunting in our garden
Cycle back along the stream
Grow some caterpillars
Blow a dandelion clock / play at the park
Magic wands
Find some treasure - go geocaching
Go cloud spotting
Have a picnic in the garden
Leaf prints in clay
listen to the wildlife around us
Bat walk bioblitz
Walk along the river
Read a book outside
Make a mini-nature reserve
Look up high and down low

Make a tumble trap
Light a fire and roast marshmallows
Make midsummer crowns
Make a footprint trap
Make a grass trumpet 
Investigate a tree

Make a moth trap

Create a clay creature


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