Saturday 22 October 2016

Autumn cake

Today we made an Autumn themed chocolate cake based on a recipe found in the girls RSPB magazine!  First we made a chocolate cake using a 4 egg Victoria sponge recipe substituting some of the flour for a little cocoa.  We then sandwiched them together using butter-cream (100g butter, 170g icing sugar and 30g cocoa with some milk to bind it together).

We then made some chocolate ganache using 300g chocolate melted and then mixed into 300ml double cream. We left it to cool in the fridge for about half an hour before we covered the cake.

We also made some chocolate leaves by laying the leaves vein side up, painting some oil on top before painting a layer of chocolate on top. We then put them in the freezer to harden  for 20 minutes before we put them on the cake.

We also used autumn coloured M and Ms and some crumbled flakes. We also used a cocktail stick to draw some bird prints.

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